Friday, August 26, 2005

Stomp out loud.. you lucky freak

Flaming Red.. that the color of my super convertible, and thats were I start my story..

My friends wonder whether because of my super optimist attitude I don't realize how messed up I am. For them, here's the embarassing but exciting tale of last evening...

My Friend from work (name not disclosed) and I decided after work that we would get some dinner at Spectrum and then maybe go to a club and hang out. Seems like a harmless plan, right ??
Thats what we thought till things started going randomly crazy..

1. Wrong Freeway: We end up going North 405 instead of 55 North.. not because we were lost but because my friend could not change lanes fast enough.. well!! we guys are consultant .. we generally go slow on change..
Anyway, after driving a couple of miles, we got to turn back and made our way back to office. Anyone looking out from their office window would have thought we are workoholic freaks returning to office to work at 8PM.

2. Anyway, Finally we were on the way to dinner and with the top down, crusing at 70 mph, we were living life to the hilt. I blame the wind hitting my face, the hip hop on the radio, and my inspiring company for taking the wrong freeway again and this time getting lost royally. Red as my car I tried to explain that everything was under control, yup it was.. I was looking to the pole star for direction, for heaven sake.

3. Getting lost is not bad enough, but losing your red convertible.. thats like getting an open heart surgery from Homer Simpson, painful for you, funny for others..
Anyway, we parked or so we claim next to the tallest building in Spectrum.

After some amazing Thai food.. getting the wrong bill for double the amount and discovering that my friend did not have her id and so we couldn't enter the club (I still think she's underage), we decided to head back home.

The parking lot seemed unusually empty, I mean all the other cars were there.. all except my flaming red convertible..
For the next 30 seconds, everything changed color to red for me.. even the green in my pocket.
Hunting for the car like a madman, while trying to look cool and composed to my friend was quite an oscar act, but I did manage to pull it off I think..
NO mama, I did not cry when I was calling the police.

(my cell was giving up on me too.. its like when shit happens, everybody smells it from miles away and runs..)

The police control room after a long hold, asked me to go the police station..
I remember once remarking to my friends earlier.. 'which dork would need to go to a police station in a party place like Irvine Spectrum?'.. well !! that dork is me..
Ofcourse it was closed, am I not the lucky one.. another call.. my car has not been towed, they told me.
Thats great, I won't have to pay three hundred bucks now.. but guess what, its probably stolen..
(OCTA timetables anybody ??).. I really didn't know how to react, so I did it the way I generally do, I felt like laughing out loud..

Anyway, this mobiles police unit arrives and they tell us that we have to look for my car..
How exciting, I finally get to play cops. Any other situation I would have got a great kick to sit in a police car, but today my butt felt red and hot on its own.
Guess what, we drove to the same parking or so we think..
all red and inviting.
My friend and I, still haven't got it.. we had spent twenty good minutes looking for it. I still have a really creepy feeling about the whole thing.. The cop dropped us off with a goodbye looking something like.. 'dude take it easy on the bottle'.

But I and my red convertible are reunited and we race down the road, and a few read light and stop sign jumps later.. we are home. Or nearly.. the last red light just outside my apartment refuses to turn green, so after waiting for about ten minutes I have to go up ahead for another mile and then take a U-turn.. so much for the red color.
Finally at my parking lot, My completely freaked out friend cannot wait to rush to her car and get away, thats the power of RED...

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