Friday, January 26, 2007

New Orleans - City of Resilient Happiness

My trip to New Orleans etched unforgettable memories.. the city devasted by Katrina, now back on its feet and back in the business of making people smile..

The special moment to remember was the Parade. Organized by Deloitte, all the newly promoted consultants walked down the length of Burborn street amid major fanfare. Throwing 'beads' around we were the celebrities of the town, escorted on either side by police patrols and city officials, it is probably an experience that none of us will ever forget.
The next day, I took a tour of the city and its a town very different from the rest of US. Historically French by origin, it retains some of the classy art, culture and French legacy.
The southern cuisine is  amazing too, especially the 'gumbo' soups enriched with cajon spices and spicy sausage. I also bought a 'alligator' skull as a souvenir as according the the vendor we were thick in alligator country. 

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